Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Create a magazine spread (11x17inches) that incorporates your 4 best projects from this semester. Make sure that you choose:
  1. 1 project that demonstrates mastery of the pen tool in Illustrator
  2. 1 project that demonstrates mastery of creating brushes in Illustrator
  3. 1 project that shows the integration of Photoshop and Illustrator
  4. 1 project that demonstrates your photo manipulation skills

4 projects is minimum - incorporate more projects if you can.

For the TEXT of your magazine article:

  1. Describe to me the key differences between Photoshop and Illustrator. Which one do you feel you worked the best with? Why?
  2. Tell me the steps in Photoshop to turn a pen tool PATH into a SELECTION.
  3. Tell me about the process of creating each project that is included.
  4. Tell me the differences between COPYRIGHT, CREATIVE COMMONS, and PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Save your final and post it to your blog. If the text is too small to read on your blog, copy and paste your article into a separate blog entry. 

Incorporate one of these swirls into your magazine spread. You must trace it with the pen tool in illustrator, make it a different color and stroke, and use it within your final.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Final Review

Today we will be going over what will be expected for your final. You do not need to log in.

After we talk about the final, you will have some time to make sure that all of your projects are completed to the best of your ability. You may work on past projects to improve your grade.

Monday, January 21, 2013


Today I would like you to review your pen-tool skills in illustrator, as well as fill out a skills inventory to see what we need to go over before your final.


Download the image of the maple leaf above, open it in Illustrator, and trace it with the pen tool. Use a stroke of black, 1pt and fill with any color you like. Post to your blog when you are finished. You should be working independently on this.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

You pick!

Choose one of these tutorials to work on for the rest of this week!

Monday, January 14, 2013


Today you will be morphing yourself into a ZOMBIE!!!!!

You will use a photo of yourself, not the one on the tutorial.
You will need to download the textures, or you may find your own texture photos online.

This is due on your blog at the end of class TOMORROW.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Today before you begin, I would like to go over VECTOR MASKS with you.

Please open Photoshop, but do not begin working.

Monday, January 7, 2013