Thursday, December 13, 2012


Post your tutorial from YESTERDAY on your blog.

Begin your next INDEPENDENT project: Here
You may use the images from the tutorial, BUT you will need to get them from the stock photo websites, which may require you to open a free account.
You may ALSO use your OWN images, BUT they must be high resolution photos - I don't want to see a bunch of PIXELATED images.

This is a PHOTOSHOP project, but some of the vector pieces are made in Illustrator.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Next tutorial:

I will help you with the first few steps in class, and then you will be on your own!

Monday, December 10, 2012


Happy Monday!

This weekend I got a FOSTER DOG! This is Little Bear!  He is a Mountain Pet Rescue pup looking for a permanent home. He's about a year old, very well-behaved, and (mostly) potty trained!

Today and tomorrow will be work days. By the end of class today your face replacement should be on your blog. By the end of class tomorrow, your text tutorial should be on your blog.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy Thursday!

Today you will create a Neon Lights New Years celebration!

Click Here

Change the text to 2013!

Your ROOMs are due on your blog by the end of class TODAY.
Your FACE REPLACEMENTS are due on your blog MONDAY.
Your Neon Lights are due on your blog on TUESDAY.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Face Replace

You have until the END OF CLASS TOMORROW to post your Empty room projects.

Your next project is to put YOUR face on a movie poster. Here is the tutorial: Face Replace

Today's Juice:

1 Pomegranate
A million Raspberries.

Monday, December 3, 2012


I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Today will be a work day on your Emtpy Room project. This will be due Thursday.

Juice of the day:

4oz Cabbage Juice (DID YOU KNOW that if you drink more than 4 oz of cabbage juice in a day, it might make you gassy!? The internet told me.)
4 (ish) carrots
2 Apples