Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 14


Now that you have MASTERED the pen tool AND brushes, we will move on to the GRADIENT MESH tool.

The Gradient Mesh tool is used to create objects that look three dimensional. You will need to DOWNLOAD this photo to your desktop, and open it in Illustrator.


And download the instructions for the GRADIENT MESH TUTORIAL.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 13

Today we will talk more about creating BRUSHES.

You will create a scatter, art, and pattern brush based on words drawn at random, And post them to your blog! Please use the Type tool to label your brushes with the WORD and TYPE of brush.

Play with the settings on each brush to find the ones that you like the best!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 11

Today we will go over how to SAVE FOR WEB so we can post things to your blogs more easily.

We will also go over LAYERS and a little bit of typography.

Then you will have time to work on your cover designs.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 10

Today you will share your favorite cover design and discuss it's strengths and weaknesses.

Then, you will continue working on your landscape OR begin your original cover design.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 9

TODAY We will start with a drawing game! Make sure you have something to draw with, and do NOT log into your computers.


You will continue your landscape tutorial from day 8. Once you are finished, begin brainstorming and sketching ideas for a BOOK or ALBUM cover. You may design for an existing book/album (But you may not copy the existing cover), OR make one  up!

BOOKS will be 6x8 inches, and include front cover, back cover, inside flap, outside flap, and spine.
ALBUMS will be 5x5 inches, and include front cover, back cover, interior artwork, and album.

For this project I expect you to show your mastery of:
-The pen tool
-Using layers (LABEL EACH ONE!)
-Creating brushes
-Type (We will get into this in-depth later this week)

FOR TOMORROW: Come with a copy (print of digital) of your FAVORITE album or book cover design. Be prepared to present it to the class and discuss WHY you like the cover. Keep in mind that we are thinking about DESIGN here - your favorite BOOK may not have your favorite book COVER.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


TODAY you will:

1. Post your logo design to your blog. To do this, you will need to save it as a JPG to your Graphics folder, and then upload it to your Tumblr.

2. Continue from wherever you are at on the pen tutorials from previous days.

3. Begin the Landscape tutorial. Make sure you SAVE FREQUENTLY as an ai file to your graphics folder.

Today you will need to work independently for a large portion of the hour so that I can meet with each of you to check your progress. If you have trouble, ask a friend.

Enjoy your homecoming weekend!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 7

Today we will work on using the ADD and DELETE anchor point tools.

Go here and download Graphics 1 Exercise 1 and open it in Illustrator. Then wait for me to show you how to get started.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 6!

1. QUIZ - Make sure you have something to write with.

2. Work on your personal logo.

3. Go to my School Fusion Page

4. Hold Alt/Option and click on Pen Tool The Exercise - it is the top file. The bottom one is the one we did yesterday.
The file should download.

5. Open Adobe Illustrator

6. File > Open

7. On the left hand side, scroll down to find your computer log in name. Click on it.

8. Select "Downloads"

9. Open the file you have just downloaded.

10. Follow the directions in the tutorial.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 5

Today you will continue to work on mastering the pen tool! We will begin work on Pen Tool Exercise.
Download the exercise, open it in Illustrator, and begin working on following the paths. Once you have followed every path, save it to your Graphics 1 folder.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Today we will go over the Adobe Illustrator tool worksheet and experiment with some of the tools.

You will have a quiz on these tools on Tuesday, September 11th.

Then, we will begin creating brushes in Illustrator. You will each make an ART and SCATTER brush to post to your blog.

Here is a helpful link on creating brushes.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 3

Today we will continue to look at logo design, and start to narrow down your choices for your individual logo design.

We will learn more about the process of logo design by reading a few articles and tips:

You will browse the logos at Logopond, and pick your favorite logo. Once you have selected your logo, you will lead a class discussion about the intended audience, effectiveness, and style of your selected logo.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 2

Today we will talk about Copyright, Public Domain, Fair Use, and Creative Commons.
Use the internet to define the following terms:
-Public Domain
-Fair Use
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJn_jC4FNDo http://www.musopen.org/ http://creativecommons.org/

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 1

Welcome to Graphics 1!! I'm so happy to meet all of you!
Today we will set up blogs, go over the syllabus, and get assigned seats!
You will create your blog here: