Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 9

TODAY We will start with a drawing game! Make sure you have something to draw with, and do NOT log into your computers.


You will continue your landscape tutorial from day 8. Once you are finished, begin brainstorming and sketching ideas for a BOOK or ALBUM cover. You may design for an existing book/album (But you may not copy the existing cover), OR make one  up!

BOOKS will be 6x8 inches, and include front cover, back cover, inside flap, outside flap, and spine.
ALBUMS will be 5x5 inches, and include front cover, back cover, interior artwork, and album.

For this project I expect you to show your mastery of:
-The pen tool
-Using layers (LABEL EACH ONE!)
-Creating brushes
-Type (We will get into this in-depth later this week)

FOR TOMORROW: Come with a copy (print of digital) of your FAVORITE album or book cover design. Be prepared to present it to the class and discuss WHY you like the cover. Keep in mind that we are thinking about DESIGN here - your favorite BOOK may not have your favorite book COVER.

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