Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 31

Sorry I can't be there today!

If you finish your 3 sketches - Practice typing on a path. Use this as a tutorial:


THEN draw a NON-SIMPLE shape (A dog, a bicycle, a teddy bear...) and type a creative story along the path that you have drawn.

I will see you tomorrow!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 29

Today, we will talk about WAR POSTERS, and how to convey a message through both text and image.

-Your 5 paragraph essay is due to your blog by the BEGINNING OF CLASS TOMORROW. (see previous post)
-AFTER this, you will begin designing your own social issue poster.
Step 1: Select a social issue.
Step 2: Create 8 Thumbnail sketches of different ways to convey your idea.
Step 3: Meet with Ms. Z to select your 3 BEST ideas, to be turned into full-size sketches.
Step 4: Present your 3 best ideas to the class, (Wednesday) who will VOTE on your best idea.This will be the idea you will use to create your poster.
Step 5: Begin creating your poster. Posters Requirements:
-Every color must include 3 tones (Use a gradient, gradient mesh, or shadowing like you used in the RocketShip tutorial.)
-No black outlines
-Photo references only - No Illustrations or Cartoons
-Must include TEXT
-Demonstrate mastery of the pen tool, creating brushes, using layers, gradients, and gradient meshes.
We will have a working critique on Thursday, November 1st, when we will decide on a final due date. I have very high expectations for this project, so if you are finished within a couple of class periods, your grade will reflect that. You should be asking yourself, "What can I do to increase the visual impact of my poster?"

Juice of the day:
1 pear
1 apple
1 carrot
1/2 cucumber

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


For your next project, you will be creating a poster that makes a statement about a social issue. This will be your LAST Illustrator Project, and will mark the end of the quarter.

Before you begin this project, I would like for you to do some research and thinking about how to communicate a clear message through a poster. You will write a 5 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting two posters. DUE MONDAY, 10/27, at the BEGINNING OF CLASS

Select your first poster from here.
Select your second poster from the list at the end of the page here. Pick an AMERICAN poster... and one that is APPROPRIATE.

Paragraph one: Introduction/overview - what are you going to tell me?
Paragraph two: Describe the first poster - Is it pro-war or anti-war? How can you tell? Be specific. Who is the target audience?
Paragraph three: Describe the second poster - Is it pro-war or anti-war? How can you tell? Be specific. Who is the target audience?
Paragraph four: Compare and contrast the two posters - What do they have in common? What is different about them? Talk about visual aspects (font, layout, color, style) as well as the message behind the posters.
Paragraph five: Conclusion - Review what you just told me.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Today please continue your Nursery Rhyme, or the text tutorial that we started yesterday.

If you get stuck, ask a friend for help. If your friend can't help, ask another classmate for help - even if they aren't your friend (It might be a good way to START a friendship?)

If you're REALLY stuck, and NOBODY can help, save your progress, open a new document and being the spaceship tutorial:

Please be KIND and RESPECTFUL and HELP ONE ANOTHER, as well as your guest teacher!

Have a Great weekend, I will see you all on MONDAY!

Text Tutorial

Today we will start playing with stylizing TEXT.

You will complete the BEVELED LETTERING tutorial:


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Panda Bear Tutorial


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy Thursday!

TODAY - Finish your Hippo and post it to your blog.

THEN go to THIS PAGE and select a nursery rhyme to illustrate. Before you begin your illustration, create 3 idea sketches to discuss with a small group of students to determine your best composition.

Your illustration must include:
-at least 1 character, with the level of detail involved in the Hippo or other cartoon tutorials. If you have more than one character, they must all be this caliber - no sloppy figures, no stick figures.
-A background, similar in detail to the Landscape tutorial. Just one flat color will not cut it. You should be using the pen tool, gradients, creating brushes, and showing me the level of skill you have accomplished in this class.
-The text of your nursery rhyme.

Think of this like it is a page in a book of nursery rhymes for children. Consider your target audience in your design.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


For Sam, who brought me TWO APPLES, and Avery, who is an excellent student (You are all excellent students):



Today will be a WORK DAY for Cartoons and Hippos!

Make sure your blog is up to date!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Today, if you are FINISHED with your cartoon character and it is posted to your blog, you will begin creating a HIPPO.

Copy and paste the link, and follow the steps in the tutorial. You may use your own colors, and instead of writing HIPPO, write something original!


I will be checking in with each of you on your progress today, so you will need to work independently for a large portion of the class period. Please stay on task and help one another!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Your next assignment is to illustrate yourself as a cartoon character! You may come up with your character from scratch, or use one of these tutorials:


Please include a background for your character, and label every layer.