Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 29

Today, we will talk about WAR POSTERS, and how to convey a message through both text and image.

-Your 5 paragraph essay is due to your blog by the BEGINNING OF CLASS TOMORROW. (see previous post)
-AFTER this, you will begin designing your own social issue poster.
Step 1: Select a social issue.
Step 2: Create 8 Thumbnail sketches of different ways to convey your idea.
Step 3: Meet with Ms. Z to select your 3 BEST ideas, to be turned into full-size sketches.
Step 4: Present your 3 best ideas to the class, (Wednesday) who will VOTE on your best idea.This will be the idea you will use to create your poster.
Step 5: Begin creating your poster. Posters Requirements:
-Every color must include 3 tones (Use a gradient, gradient mesh, or shadowing like you used in the RocketShip tutorial.)
-No black outlines
-Photo references only - No Illustrations or Cartoons
-Must include TEXT
-Demonstrate mastery of the pen tool, creating brushes, using layers, gradients, and gradient meshes.
We will have a working critique on Thursday, November 1st, when we will decide on a final due date. I have very high expectations for this project, so if you are finished within a couple of class periods, your grade will reflect that. You should be asking yourself, "What can I do to increase the visual impact of my poster?"

Juice of the day:
1 pear
1 apple
1 carrot
1/2 cucumber

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