Tuesday, October 16, 2012


For your next project, you will be creating a poster that makes a statement about a social issue. This will be your LAST Illustrator Project, and will mark the end of the quarter.

Before you begin this project, I would like for you to do some research and thinking about how to communicate a clear message through a poster. You will write a 5 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting two posters. DUE MONDAY, 10/27, at the BEGINNING OF CLASS

Select your first poster from here.
Select your second poster from the list at the end of the page here. Pick an AMERICAN poster... and one that is APPROPRIATE.

Paragraph one: Introduction/overview - what are you going to tell me?
Paragraph two: Describe the first poster - Is it pro-war or anti-war? How can you tell? Be specific. Who is the target audience?
Paragraph three: Describe the second poster - Is it pro-war or anti-war? How can you tell? Be specific. Who is the target audience?
Paragraph four: Compare and contrast the two posters - What do they have in common? What is different about them? Talk about visual aspects (font, layout, color, style) as well as the message behind the posters.
Paragraph five: Conclusion - Review what you just told me.

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