Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Few Words.

The vast majority of you have NOT POSTED your coffee cup, and several have not posted your Andy Warhol. The Coffee Cup is now ONE day late, and the Andy Warhol is now TWO days late.
A reminder: My policy is do downgrade one letter grade for every day late.

In light of this, today and tomorrow will be WORK DAYS to get yourselves caught up and make sure everything is posted to your blogs. Some of you need to write down your blog addresses for me so that I can grade your work.

If you are done with your coffee cup and your Warhol tutorial, pick up the Avatar tutorial where we left off yesterday.
Avatar tutorials will be due to your blogs by the end of class tomorrow- this due date is for ALL OF YOU, even those of you who have a lot of catching up to do. It is YOUR responsibility to find the time to do this. I will be available after school tomorrow for a couple of hours. If you post your avatar during this time, it will not be considered late. HOWEVER, I am only available in the ART ROOM, which means I only have 6 available computers, so make sure you get in RIGHT after school.

If you FINISH your Avatar, do something creative with it - change the background, give it eyelashes, add the text that is in the tutorial, OR create an ANIMAL AVATAR following the same tutorial:


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