Thursday, November 29, 2012

Empty Spaces

For your NEXT project, you will be creating a room.

Step 1: Download an image of an empty room that shows AT LEAST two walls. Open it in PS.

Step 2: FILL THE ROOM with images that you have found, resized, and altered the perspective on to place in the room.
5 pieces of furniture
AT LEAST 1 light source
A picture
A window
An animal

To resize: Edit<Tranform<Scale
To change perspective: Edit<Transform<Skew

Step 3: Using the light sources in the room, use the DODGE and BURN tools to shade everything in the room, and add shadows.
DODGING makes things lighter
BURNING makes things darker.

You will be graded on:
Resourcefulness (Do you read the directions before asking for help? Do you reference my blog to figure out how to do things and what is expected.)
Fulfilling the required objects in the room
Skill with Dodging and Burning
Overall Craftsmanship (skill with selections, clone tools, etc)

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